Friday, July 20, 2012

Our Schools

Primero de Octubre

Over stretches of hilly farmland, children walk for up to two hours every day to attend school at Primero de Octubre, in the open countryside of Manabí.  Before the GEP, all six grades learned together in one open-air classroom from one teacher.  The toilet was a hole in the ground.

For many Ecuadorian students, this is the reality.

Thanks to invaluable support from the Children of Ecuador Program in Alberta, Canada, Primero de Octubre students now learn from three teachers in a three-room school with working toilets, books and computers.

In addition to financing the construction, teacher salaries and supplies for the school, the GEP provides volunteer English teachers to Primero de Octubre, and the oldest students have the opportunity to take a computer literacy course at the Genesis Internet Cafe.  At the end of the course, students receive a Certificate of Computer Literacy recognized by the Ecuadorian Ministry of Education.

-->                            Primero de Octubre celebrates Family Day.  The school consists
of three classrooms (left) and a bathroom (right).

Escuela Modelo Bahía de Caráquez

Escuela Modelo Bahía de Caráquez is a public school just a few blocks from our office.  The GEP provides internet access and volunteer English teachers, who are the students’ only source of contact with the English language.

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